Bro-Am is an annual celebration that
gives back to the San Diego community
June 19, 2025 | North county san diego
More rock ‘n roll than gala where our givers and doers from the community come together to savor culinary tastes and sips, bid on exclusive auction items, and spend an evening with Switchfoot.
June 21, 2025 | moonlight beach
Free concert at the beach, need we say more? Plus surf contests, interactive experiences, live music (including Switchfoot & Friends), and very special moments with our beneficiary kids.
Celebrating Kids
Community 〰️ Surfing 〰️ Music 〰️ Celebrating Kids 〰️
S p o n s o r s h i p
When you’re involved in the Bro-Am,
it’s more than a brand marketing activation,
you’re part of creating this community experience.
“These kids are giving back ten times as much with their smiles, the appreciation, and their attitudes - that’s a gift you can never outgive.”
Sustainability Initiatives
The Bro-Am Foundation is dedicated to protecting the planet and its resources.
🌎 We're proud to be a 1% For The Planet Environmental Parter and give back to environmental causes!
🌎 Beach Fest is a single-use plastic bottle free event. Attendees stay hydrated with refill stations thanks to our partners at The Rob Machado Foundation.
🌎 Our Green Team, led by Solana Center and Surfrider Foundation Moonlight Chapter, keeps Moonlight Beach green with recycling, composting, and waste reduction education!