Impact Story: Keeping 12,000+ Plastic Water Bottles Out of Our Ocean

“Onsite we’ve been able to divert over 12,000 plastic water bottles from ending up in landfills or worse, in our oceans! It's also given us an incredible opportunity to educate and inspire others in regards to single-use consumption” - Rob Machado Foundation

For almost 16 years now, the SWITCHFOOT BRO-AM Foundation and our partners have strived to create thriving futures for as many kids as possible. And keeping the environment of our Beach Fest and Benefit Party clean and sustainable is a major piece of our ethos. 

Each year we play on a solar powered stage, provide free water bottle refill stations, and require our vendors on the beach to avoid single use plastics entirely. Our goal is to maximize fun and positive impact while leaving the smallest environmental footprint possible.

Reducing our environmental impact on the beach is only the first step. In order to create true and lasting change, we have to be mindful of the footprint we leave each and everyday throughout the year. And that's why we've partnered with the Rob Machado Foundation for so many years now. Sharing the goal of year-around, life-long positive impact on the environment. By playing your part, you can create a better present, and a thriving future.

“Bro-Am helps our organization make an impact year-round with our monthly beach cleanups and water refill station program to further reduce single-use plastics in our community. To date our water refill stations have helped divert over 600,000 single-use plastic water bottles and we couldn’t do that without the support from amazing partners like the Bro-Am. Thank you for letting us Play Our Part!” - Rob Machado Foundation
— Rob Machado Foundation
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