Rob Machado Bro-Junior 

The Rob Machado Bro-Junior Surf Contest is all about good vibes, friendly competition, and celebrating the next generation of surfing talent. For the first time, registering for the 2025 Rob Machado Bro-Junior event is easier than ever - we’re going online!

📢 Registration opens Tuesday, April 1st! 📢

Eligibility & Entry Fee Details:

  • Ages 17 and under

  • Female and male

  • 24 spots, 6 alternates - filled on a first come first serve basis with all required forms completed

  • $35 entry fee - 100% to be gifted to one of our beneficiaries



  • 6 person mixed heats (male and female)

  • Single elimination, top three advance to the next heat

  • 20-minute heats, 30-minute final

  • Prizes for 1st thru 6th place winners


No more than 2 feet taller than the surfer


A surfer must perform radical controlled maneuvers in the critical sections of a wave with speed, power and flow to maximize scoring potential. Innovative/progressive surfing as well as variety of repertoire (maneuvers) will be taken into account when rewarding points for waves ridden. The surfer who executes these criteria with the maximum degree of difficulty and commitment on the waves shall be rewarded with the higher scores.

The Rob Machado Bro-Junior places a premium on the competitor having the most fun. You gotta have fun and you gotta’LOOK like you’re having fun!


  • All contestants must check in to the SURF VILLAGE 30 minutes before their first heat.

  • All contestants must check in with the beach marshal at or before the five (5) minute warning before each heat to get their heat jersey and get to the water’s edge. If any competitor is not present and checked in at the five (5) minute warning he may be replaced by an alternate (first round only).

    • Basic Rule - RIGHT OF WAY

    • Wave possession or right of way in these situations will vary slightly under the following categories as determined by the nature of the contest venue. It is the responsibility of the judge to determine which surfer has the inside position based on whether the wave is a superior right or left, but never on which surfer is first to their feet. If at the initial point of take-off neither the right nor left can be deemed superior, then the right of way will go to the first surfer who makes a definite turn in their chosen direction.

    • Anyone who stands up in front of a surfer with right of way in non-one on one heats has the chance to ride or kick out of the wave without being called interference, unless they hinder the scoring potential of the surfer with right of way by any means. These include excessive hassling, leg rope pulling or breaking down a section.

    • If a majority of judges call interference, then that wave will count in the final tally as a zero score. This applies to a riding interference or a paddling interference, where the surfer catches that particular wave. A loss of one scoring ride applies for a straight paddling interference where the surfer or surfers do not catch the wave. If a surfer has less than the required minimum scoring rides and receives interference then they will be scored on one less wave, (i.e. if they have caught only three waves and the best four count, then only their best two will be scored). In the case of a tie where one surfer has an interference marked against them any count back will result in them winning as they have already had one wave deducted.

    • Under 2 best waves the interfering surfer will be penalized with a loss of 50% of his second best scoring ride in non-priority situations only. The wave that the interference was called on by the majority of the judges will count in the final tally as a zero.

    • Any interfering surfer must be penalized and a drop-in decision once made is irrevocable. The judges and/or Tour Manager/Rep will not enter into any discussion over the interference call. All discussion must be directly with the Head Judge, if he wishes to discuss the situation.

    • The rider who is interfered with will be allowed an additional wave beyond their wave maximum, within the prescribed time limit. Exception to this is a double interference where neither surfer gets an extra wave.

    • Where any surfer incurs two or more interference penalties they must immediately leave the competition area. Failure to do so will result in a fine.


SURF SCHEDULE (tentative)


Contact Brian at with any questions you may have.